Loft Cinema iPhone/iPad app
Designed and built iOS app for displaying show times and news.
Uses Core Data storage, synchronised to a XML web service. The news section uses the Twitter API to display recent posts from the Loft Cinema feed. App works on both iPhone and iPad, and uses UISplitViewController on the iPad.
Flandrau Science Center iOS apps
A series of 4 iPad apps to be used by children at outreach events.
The apps are a series of multiple choice quizzes, testing knowledge of biology and chemistry. They display a variety of media and handle a range of user interactions such as a drag and drop interface.
Model Home Plans
Wordpress site that reads home plan data from a tablepress data source. The information is then displayed via a range of jQuery plugins. All functions are wrapped within a single class as static methods to enable resuse.
the Materialist Papers
Wordpress blog using my SwOM theme (an extension/redevelopment of the Futurosity theme). Designed to the blog editor's specification with new theme options, increased readability/whitespace, improved code (HTML, PHP and CSS), and widgetised areas. Also advised on various plugins to enhance the site design and functionality.
Once the theme is fully tested it will be released for free. For more details see the SwOM project tab.
This site was built for an academic research network, using a customised Complete theme including a new logo and favicon. Personnel pages were created using the Magic Fields plugin with a custom template allowing page editors to easily conform to a standardised layout.
UCL IRIS Project
Sole designer of a number of PHP classes that take information from a centralised staff database (via a XML feed) and reformat it for a variety of uses. XML data is used to create automatic departmental and research group staff lists, and also individual staff profiles. Profiles are created using a RESTful approach for flexibility of reuse.
Usability was a key design feature, with all displays generated by simply creating an instance of the class whilst passing all options from a single array.
The functionality of the individual staff profile was extended by allowing the data to be downloaded as a Word document, generated using XSLT and the open source WordProcessingML format.
Yoga Therapy For You MailChimp Campaign
Created a MailChimp email campaign with a custom template. Template is coded in PHP and uses many of the MailChimp API features such as repeatable sections, and the ability to show/hide details. Integrated subscribe and archive functionality into Wordpress site.
A site to showcase the work of a Shropshire artist built using a modified Swatch theme. Gallery functions are provided by the NextGEN plugin (along with a number of extensions). This plugin was chosen due to its usability for those unfamiliar with Wordpress.
UCL Silva CMS Migration
Assisted a number of departments with moving existing departmental web sites to a new CMS called Silva. Used JavaScript and CSS to provide unique designs within the confines of the CMS system.
Main project was the Department of Chemistry, whose site I had managed for a number of years. As part of a team of two, I designed a completely new site layout and transferred all content. Investigated the new Silva system, and integrated a number of features in order to improve the site maintainability (including news feeds, and embedded pages).
SetsFlick jQuery Plugin
A jQuery plugin that uses the Flickr API to return all of the sets belonging to a user. Currently used on my own Photos page.
The plugin is available for download
Project to improve existing Futurosity theme for a friend's blog. Redesign included a rewrite of all PHP, CSS, and HTML and style changes such as increased whitespace for better readability.
Also created a new theme options back end to give users control over many functions (such as the number and order of categories on the front page, and a custom logo/favicon).
Once fully tested, theme will be available on my Downloads page
Project to create a full Wordpress theme from scratch, as an example for a friend's tuition business. The aim was to create a child-friendly, but still professional template design.
Once the theme back end is created, I will release it on my Downloads page
sigForm jQuery plugin
As seen on this site, a popup AJAX/PHP/jQuery form generator. Contact form includes full server and client-side validation using the same validation methods. This is achieved with server-side PHP scripts accessed on the client-side using AJAX.